

分享兴趣,传播快乐,增长见闻,留下美好!亲爱的您,这里是Learning yard新学苑。今天小编为大家带来《成本包括哪些内容》。

Share interests, spread happiness, increase knowledge, and leave good news! Dear you, this is the new Learning yard. Today, Xiaobian brings you "What is included in the cost".


Product cost is divided into direct material cost, direct labor cost and manufacturing cost. Direct material costs include the price of purchasing raw materials, the freight that needs to be paid for transporting the materials back to the enterprise, the tariffs that need to be paid for imported materials, etc. Direct labor refers to the wages of workers directly used in the production workshop to produce products. Calculated according to the production quantity; in addition, the workshop will also incur some expenses, such as the salaries of the workshop management personnel, the water and electricity costs of the workshop, the lighting costs, and the depreciation of the fixed assets of the workshop.


In addition, there will be period expenses during the production of products, but the period expenses are not included in the production cost of the product, and are directly offset against the current profit and loss. The method of controlling the production cost of the product can be made from direct materials, direct materials and manufacturing expenses, but in order to improve the profit of the enterprise, it is also necessary to pay attention to the period expenses (period expenses include financial expenses, management expenses and sales expenses) .


That's it for today's sharing. If you have any unique ideas for today's article, please leave a comment, let us meet tomorrow, I wish you a happy day!





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