每日一词∣科技成果转化 commercialization of scientific and technological achievements


An annual report on the commercialization of China\’s scientific and technological achievements was published on Wednesday, showing that it continues to flourish across the country. The report, published in an edition of colleges and research institutes, noted that 466,882 sci-tech commercialization contracts were signed at 3,554 colleges and universities nationwide in 2020, with a total value of 125.61 billion yuan.

每日一词∣科技成果转化 commercialization of scientific and technological achievements







We need to uphold the pioneering spirit and innovation and unleash the potential and vitality of cooperation. Those who seek to create monopoly, blockade and barriers in science and technology in order to disrupt other countries\’ innovation and development and hold on to their dominant position are doomed to fail. We need to improve global science and technology governance and allow more people to access and benefit from the fruits of scientific and technological advances.



We need to speed up scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, promote the commercialization of scientific and technological advances, and foster new drivers of growth so that innovation will boost both economic development and green transition.




research institutes


manufacturing industry


small and medium-sized enterprises

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